Sunday, March 16, 2014

Review of the last...(calculating)...month and a half!

Hey everyone! Again, sorry for not writing for a while. Shakespeare rehearsals have gotten super crazy! We have them going every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday for two hours, and I have to go to almost all of them. JA homework has finally started winding down though - last week we wrote our last opinion paper, and we're reading our last book.
For next year, I'll be taking a class called Pyramid Project, which is geared towards science and mathematics, which is great! Also, I could maybe be a Student Mentor for Shakespeare, since I've had two years of experience with it. However, I don't know that I'll do that, because I may instead be doing a speech and debate club, which would be awesome! I watched one each of the speeches and debates that they do, and I think I'd love to participate!
Lately I've been reading this book called 'The Real Thomas Jefferson'. I want to understand how he lived his life because my education is based off of his. After I finish that book, I'll read 'A Thomas Jefferson Education', which is the actual book that explains how his education should be applied to other people's like mine.
Anyways, I really will try to write ASAP, but as JA winds down, Shakespeare's really starting up! My homeschooling classes sure keep my busy. Bye for now!

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